Tuesday, September 25, 2007
How Salespeople Can Develop An Attitude Of Gratitude
The two most powerful words salespeople can say to prospects and customers are - thank you.
People are starving for recognition. But if you don't get recognition you're not likely to give it. Big mistake!
A simple thank you goes a long way.
Are you trying to create wealth for you and your family? If you are, you should realize and appreciate that wealth comes wrapped in gratitude. You can learn more about this in The Science Of Getting Rich For Salespeople And Entrepreneurs.
Gratitude is the gift that keeps on giving.
While this is true, it's also true that most people are too busy and overwhelmed with work to express their gratitude - especially to customers.
Try to cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you; and to give thanks continuously.
And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.
Well that makes sense!
Here's a simple truth. The more grateful you are when good things happen to you, the more good things will happen to you. An attitude of gratitude brings you closer to the source of the blessings you have received.
Forgive a little sidebar here - "Whenever you say thank you to God, he always gets the message."
Take for example this selling situation:
You close a big sale. Your customer is very happy and pleased with the product / service you provided.
You ask for and get three referrals from your customer.
How do you say thank you?
When do you say thank you?
How often do you say thank you?
When you receive a gift, here are some "Thank you" guidelines from Colin Cowie, an event planner.
You get 10 points for sending a written thank you note within 48 hours.
You get 9 points for a telephone call.
You get 8 points for sending an e-mail.
You get 7 points for sending a FAX.
Colin also says "It's never too late to say thank you."
So, your customer gives you three referrals and you send a hand-written note. Is that it?
Well of course not - especially if you want to get even more referrals from your customer.
Keep your customer informed with the progress you're having or not having with each referral.
When a referral becomes a customer, it becomes another opportunity to thank the original customer again. Your additional gratitude might just trigger even more referrals.
Showing your appreciation is always appreciated - so don't be stingy with it - do it often.
You can make everyday a day of Thanksgiving - simply by showing your gratitude!
Sales Management Tip
Here's a question for all sales managers to ponder.
Have you ever attended a formal 2-day class on professional sales management?
Here's another question to think about.
Do you think it's conceivable that you could spend 2-days in my Advanced Sales Management Program and not sharpen your existing sales management skills and add some new ones too?
Reserve your seat in my Advanced Sales Management Program January 2008.
Time Saver Tip
Hey - if you're using www.mapquest.com for directions, I encourage you to try www.maps.google.com. I think it's a superior alternative.
Sales Tip
Are you ready for the 4th-quarter? Are you getting ready for the 4th-quarter? What are you waiting for?
Here's a no-brainer 4th-quarter idea for you.
Make a list of all the things you want to accomplish during the 4th-quarter.
Make a list of all the people (Customers and prospects) you want to call during the 4th-quarter.
The next step is to prioritize both lists.
The next step is to plug in a "To do" date for every numbered priority on your lists.
The next step is to put these dates on your electronic calendar.
Do it this way and you'll get more things done. Not doing it this way . . . well that will probably lead to big time procrastination.
Your choice.
This CD will help you make your 4th-quarter numbers, "How To Achieve Spectacular Results In The 4th Quarter."
Words of Wisdom
Attitudes are caught, not taught.
Elwood Chapman
Customer service in America stinks.
Tom Peters
Creativity is the natural extension of our enthusiasm.
Earl Nightingale
Rants, Raves, and Other Loose Ends
From Chris Dimitris . . .
Thank you for inspiring me to take my selling skills to the next level with your terrific CD, The Art Of Closing The Sale. Now, I listen more and ask better questions that help me find out my customer's wants and needs.
One day I went five for five! Being a used car dealer, you can imagine the hurdles I must overcome in order to make the sale. Your CD shows exactly what closing techniques to use in many situations.
I once had a great fear of rejection, but you have given me the confidence to close every deal.
Sorry, Jim, but I will not recommend your CD to my competition! I hope you understand.
This CD will definitely improve your closing skills. Just ask Chris!
Get your copy here.
Start selling more . . .
Jim Meisenheimer
Publisher - Start Selling More Newsletter
19 years . . .
505 corporate customers . . .
83.3% repeat business . . .
(800) 266-1268
PS - here's your link to get your CD to help you have a spectacular 4th-quarter.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
How One Big Idea Can Reel In The Customers
One big idea. When working with your prospects and customers focus on their needs and their customers' challenges. That's where the ideas are.
One big idea. Imagine you sell shower curtains and shower rods to hotel chains.
You call on hotel chains. You want to be different. Your big idea is to help hotels to differentiate their sleeping rooms is a bowed shower curtain rod.
In the shower - the space is the same, it just feels bigger and better. Why can't a sales person think up big ideas like this?
One big idea. Everybody and his mother and grandmother has Pyrex measuring cups in their kitchen cabinets.
They lasted for years and demand was declining. One big idea - change the handle to make the measuring cups stackable and the rest is history. Sales take off!
Big ideas are everywhere! But you have to be looking for them. They're not going to tap you on the shoulder and say "Here I am - ready or not!"
Big ideas are the result of one basic question.
It's an easy question and it seldom gets asked. It's the incubator for all big ideas.
You'll be amazed how customers will respond to you if you ask this question once a day.
Your customers will be delirious if you asked this question on every sales call.
Guess what - when you ask this question often you will attract the big ideas that you can share with your customers.
The question that leads to big ideas is "How can we do it better?" Keep asking this question and your plate will soon be filled with big ideas you can share with your customers.
Big ideas can win customers for a lifetime!
Sales Management Tip
As you get closer to the 4th quarter ask your sales team to identify their top biggest opportunities.
Ask them to prioritize this list for you.
Ask them to prepare a one page action plan for each account that includes:
1. What are the specific objectives for each account? Three key elements include product mix, sales dollar potential, and timeline for asking for the business.
2. How are they planning to achieve these objectives? Ask them to be specific.
3. Details. What are the necessary details to achieve these objectives. For example - who, what, where, when, how etc.
You don't want 4th quarter distractions interfering with your sales results. This is a No-brainer way to keep your salespeople focused on your expected outcomes.
Special note: If you and your sales team are behind plan, invest 10 minutes everyday, in the theater of your mind, imagining and seeing your team exceeding your sales goals for 2007.
This is no B.S. It's based on the Law of Attraction. You will attract what you think about most. You will also attract what you imagine most clearly. Trust me this works.
Don't be too busy to get smart.
Go here for info about my Advanced Sales Management Program January 2008.
Time Saver Tip
Just finished a very interesting and relevant book for all salespeople and entrepreneurs. The title is "The Age Of Speed" by Vince Poscente. It's about learning to thrive in a more - faster - now world.
Use this link to see more info about the book.
Sales Tip
Schedule your priorities instead of prioritizing your schedule. Read that line again. and let it soak in. Keep two lists. One is the long view and the other is the short view. The short view is what you should be doing today.
These lists should be in writing. If you are creating these lists with an electronic planner, be sure to print it, so you can see it and refer to it often throughout the day.
This will keep you focused and will also minimize the distractions.
Words of Wisdom
If you don't have Frank Bettger's book, "How I Raised Myself From Failure To Success In Selling," you're missing out on some incredible words of wisdom by one of the wisest sales Gurus in the 20th century.
So - here's the package I put together for you last week. Offer is limited to the first 100 (17 still available) salespeople and entrepreneurs who place their orders online:
Frank's book - "How I Raised Myself From Failure To Success In Selling." The price is $12.00 The value however is priceless.
6-CD album, "57 Ways To Take Control Of Your Time And Your Life." This is a $67.50 value.
Paperback - "57 Ways To Take Control Of Your Time And Your Life." This is a $19.95 value.
Newest CD - "How To Establish Goals That Stick - A System For Getting Exactly What You Want." This is a $29.95 value.
CD - "75 Little Things You Can Do To Grow Your Business And Boost Your Income." This is a $29.95 value.
Special Bonus eBook - The Science Of Getting Rich For Salespeople And Entrepreneurs. This is a 24.95 value.
The total value here is $184.30.
You can have all of it for less than HALF PRICE - $77 + s & h. Actually you'll save 58.3% if you order today.
Remember - I only have 100 (only 17 still available) copies to start with.
Add Frank Bettger's words of wisdom to your persoanl library. now!
Cut and paste this into your browser:
Rants, Raves, and Other Loose Ends
A few dozen subscribers have sent me their "Elevator speech."
Sad to say - most were terrible. Sorry, the truth hurts. But you can learn from it.
One however is brilliant and I want to share it with you.
It was sent in by Bob Keyser, of the Keyser Group. They are a promotional marketing agency.
Imagine all the services a promotional marketing agency offers. Try to distill everything you do for your customers into 7 words.
"Our business is making your business unforgettable."
Not only is this elevator speech brilliant - it's also unforgettable too.
It's made to stick.
Well done Bob!
Start selling more . . .
Jim Meisenheimer
Publisher - Start Selling More Newsletter
19 years . . .
505 corporate customers . . .
83.3% repeat business . . .
(800) 266-1268
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
How One Idea Can Influence Your Income And Your Happiness
I just did it again.
I reread one of the best sales books ever written for the 6th time. It's a classic book on sales. I first mentioned this book to you three years ago.
Back then I had 8,015 subscribers which has since grown to 20,324 as of today.
I've got so many notes in this book I can barely read the type on the pages. The title of the first chapter is, "How One Idea Multiplied My Income And Happiness." And that's just the first chapter.
This guy really knows how to grab and hold your attention. Here's his powerful and provocative idea.
"Nothing but the determination to act enthusiastic increased my income 700% in 10 days!" Your enthusiasm really does make a difference, so you'd better have it with you during every sales call.
This book is getting hard to read now because I have so many things underlined and highlighted. The inside front and back covers are also loaded with notes. But that's good isn't it? Well, I think it is.
I'd like to share some of the things Frank said in his book with you:
He said, "When I force myself to be enthusiastic, I soon feel enthusiastic."
He felt no one was cut out to be a salesperson. He said, "You have to cut yourself out to be whatever you want to be." That's right and it's also brilliant - so don't forget it.
He said, "The most important secret of salesmanship is to find out what the other fellow wants, then help him find the best way to get it."
He used the word "You" and "Your" as often as 69 times in a 15 minute sales call.
He discovered the most important word to use in sales had only three letters - "WHY." He used that word often when dealing with objections. He goes into some detail about this in chapter 11.
He talked about a daily ritual he performed and got these results, "I became more welcome everywhere, when I did this."
How would you like to do one little thing and become more welcome everywhere you went? That's a no-brainer!
When faced with objections he often said, "In addition to that, isn't there something else in the back of your mind?" Imagine what you could learn about your customer when you ask this question.
Naturally, you'd learn what the real objection is.
He also believes, "By concentrating on one thing at a time, you will get further with it in one week than you otherwise would in a year." This is a great time management tip.
He said, "A sales person cannot know too much, but he can talk too much." This guy knows what he's talking about.
He pondered, "Have you ever noticed that the breaks seem to go with the person who has a sincere, enthusiastic smile?"
He also said, "Give every living soul you meet the best smile you ever smiled in your life, even your spouse and children, and see how much better you feel and look. It's one of the best ways I know to stop worrying and start living."
Hey, how good is this advice - stop worrying and start living?
He devoted an entire section, five full chapters, of his book describing ideas on "How to make people want to do business with you." This is a must read if you're in sales. Why chase the business when Frank can show you how to attract it?
Well, you'd probably like to know the author's name and here it is. Frank Bettger wrote "How I Raised Myself From Failure To Success In Selling." It's a classic sales book with over 700,000 copies sold.
Each time I read his book I take away another good idea. This time I was blown away by Chapter 32 titled, "An Amazing Closing Technique I Learned From A Master Salesman."
This takes "Closing the sale" to a totally different level! This one idea can change your selling results forever - it's that good.
Anyway, this book is so powerful I just bought 100 copies for my subscribers. That's right 100 copies.
I did the same thing three years ago.
So what am I gonna do with them? I'm going to make you an irresistible offer which includes your own personal copy Frank's book.
Here's the special package:
Since a good deal of what Frank Bettger talks about in his book is self-management and getting organized I've got the perfect tie-in for you. I've written a book, "57 Ways To Take Control Of Your Time And Your Life." Because so many of you spend so much time in your cars I also recorded the book as a CD album for you.
If you want to explode your sales bubble, and I mean that in a positive way, you gotta read Frank's book. And if you want to get better organized in your sales work, you gotta get my CD album, "57 Ways To Take Control Of Your Time And Your Life" .
So - here's the package I put together for you. Offer is limited to the first 100 salespeople and entrepreneurs who place their orders online:
Frank's book - "How I Raised Myself From Failure To Success In Selling." The price is $12.00 The value however is priceless.
6-CD album, "57 Ways To Take Control Of Your Time And Your Life." This is a $67.50 value.
Paperback - "57 Ways To Take Control Of Your Time And Your Life." This is a $19.95 value.
Newest CD - "How To Establish Goals That Stick - A System For Getting Exactly What You Want." This is a $29.95 value.
CD - "75 Little Things You Can Do To Grow Your Business And Boost Your Income." This is a $29.95 value.
Special Bonus eBook - The Science Of Getting Rich For Salespeople And Entrepreneurs. This is a 24.95 value.
The total value here is $184.30.
You can have all of it for less than HALF PRICE - $77 + s & h. Actually you'll save 58.3% if you order today.
Remember - I only have 100 copies to start with.
When the supply runs out so does this special offer.
Here's what the late Dr. Norman Vincent Peale had to say about Frank's book.
"This book has helped me immeasurably, and anyone who wants to be a successful person should read it."
Now - if this book had a positive influence on Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, what can it do for you?
Go here now to be one of the first 100 to get Frank Bettger's incredible book and the other goodies I've bundled in this package for you.
Too bad I can only do this for 100 salespeople.
This isn't for everyone. But if you want to make more money, save
precious selling time, avoid sales tactics that just don't work,
and become the "Go To Sales Rep" for your prospects and customers,
take a look at the special package - which includes Frank's book.
Go here to get your Frank Bettger special offer today:
or cut and paste this link into your browser:
And I can't wait to get your e-mails telling me how the ideas in Frank's book helped you close some BIG DEALS!
FYI - the last time I made this offer - we sold out within three days. So please don't wait!
Sales Management
What's the biggest challenge new sales managers face?
Call (800) 266-1268 and I'd be happy to answer this question for you.
Use this link to get more information and to see what you'll be missing if you don't attend my Advanced Sales Management Program January 2008.
Time Saver Tip
Create lists and you'll save a bundle of time.
For example - I have a list of everything I need to do when I'm planning a sales training Boot Camp.
I have a list every time I write a newsletter like this. There are 14 items on this list.
If it's important and you don't want to forget about it create a list and keep it handy.
Last week I forgot to put the link to my newsletter on my website. Guess what - it's now on the list.
Lists will keep you focused and minimize the distractions.
Sales Tip
You will definitely increase your probability of success during every sales calls the more times you use the words "You" or "Your."
I learned this from Frank Bettger and Dale Carnegie.
Several people sent me examples of their elevator speech from the sales tips in last week's letter.
One gent started with "I" and ended with "Me."
Hey it's not about you. it's about them - THE CUSTOMER!
Your elevator speech should include a customer benefit. You can't do this on the run. You'll need some quiet-time.
And be sure you use "You" and "Your."
Words of Wisdom
Anything you can imagine is real.
Pablo Picasso
As long as you're going to think anyway, think big.
Donald Trump
The main ingredient in stardom is the rest of the team.
John Wooden
Rants, Raves, and Other Loose Ends
Okay - you're in sales.
If you want to attract more business stop thinking like a corporate sales person and start thinking like an entrepreneur.
When you bring an entrepreneurial spirit with you on sales calls - that's when the birds start singing.
Here are two resources I rely on to grow my business. Entrepreneur Magazine and I recently discovered the Wall Street Journal's Online page for entrepreneurs.
Here's the link:
Start selling more . . .
Jim Meisenheimer
Publisher - Start Selling More Newsletter
19 years . . .
505 corporate customers . . .
83.3% repeat business . . .
(800) 266-1268
PS - here's your link to be one of the 100 street smart salespeople to cash in on the Frank Bettger Special package.
Go here to get Frank's special package:
or cut and paste this link into your browser:
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
In Sales Being Different Can Astonish Your Customers
Being better starts with you being different.
The difference is you.
Let me give you an example. One of the things I dislike doing the most is flying. It would be easy for me to go off on a lengthy sidebar on this subject - but I won't.
The airlines don't know anything about customer service, pricing, and supply and demand. They know how to overbook flights. They do know how to pack 2.5 ounces of peanuts into a hard to open foil pouch. And they are masters at losing luggage.
I had to get that off my chest!
I read an article recently about a United Airlines Pilot, Capt. Denny Flanagan, who knows who customers are and how to treat them. He seldom loses sight of this.
Here's a short list of the little things he does for his passengers:
He takes cell phone pictures of pets that are on his plane. Yeah and he shows these pictures to the pet owners. A very nice touch.
He asks the flight attendants to raffle off 10% discount coupons and unopened bottles of wine.
He writes notes to everyone in First Class on the back of his business cards.
When flights are delayed and diverted - he'll find the nearest McDonald's or snack shop so he can handout some snacks.
When he has unaccompanied kids on his flights he'll call the parents from the wild blue yonder with updates - especially when there are delays.
According to passengers, he does these same little things on every flight.
Capt. Flanagan is United's one man PR department.
He's doing no-brainer common sense things that make people feel better about their flight and about United Airlines.
Astonishing isn't it?
Now can you imagine if an entire airline committed to this type of customer service what would happen to revenue?
When time permits - give this some thought. Create a list of 6 little things you can do to astonish your customers.
Astonished customers are likely to pay more too. And why not? Being astonished is not an everyday occurrence for me. Is it for you?
If you need help astonishing your customers you'll get some good ideas from my most popular CD titled, "35 Ways To Differentiate Yourself In A Competitive Marketplace."
Do something to astonish your customers today . . .
Sales Management
Let me know what keeps you awake at night and I'll put it on the agenda of my next Advanced Sales Management Program scheduled for January 29-30, 2008.
Of course you have to sign-up for the program to hear what I'm going to say.
Call (800) 266-1268 and I'd be happy to answer your questions.
Use this link to get more information and to see what you'll be missing if you don't attend.
Time Saver Tip
Here's a fact. "No one has enough time, yet everyone has all that there is."
Everyday you start the day with 86,400 seconds.
I just completed a 4-week eCourse. One of the key concepts was checklists.
Imagine if you had a checklist, of specific things, you always want to do when a new prospect enters your sales funnel. Not only is this a huge time tip it's also a smart sales tip.
Imagine if you had a checklist, of specific things you want to do, after your prospect makes a purchase and becomes a customer.
Imagine if you had a checklist, of specific things, you want to do to get more referrals and of course to follow-up with them.
Imagine if you started everyday with a prioritized checklist of specific things you want to accomplish today.
Here's what I now think about checklists. They keep you focused. They minimize distractions. They keep interruptions to a minimum. They allow you to do what's important first.
When you have a good checklist be sure to do two things - get it laminated and keep it handy.
And another thing . . .
When it comes to managing your time you can stop feeling hapless, helpless, and hopeless forever. I have so many ideas I've written a book title, "57 Ways To Take Control Of Your Time And Your Life." Get your copy today!
Sales Tip
What do you do?
How many times have you ever heard this question?
How many times have you ever introduced yourself to a new prospect by telling them who you are and what you do?
Imagine you have 15 seconds to tell someone what you do. Could you do it? Could you do it without thinking about it? Could you do it without saying any "Ah's" and "Um's?"
Telling someone what you do is like the opening kickoff in a NFL game. It literally get the ball rolling.
I've asked thousands of salespeople, during my sales training programs, "What do you do," and most of what I hear makes me "Itch." Things like :
"I'm in sales."
"I'm a problem-solver."
"I'm a sales consultant."
"I sell (Insert name of product).
Blah, Blah, Blah!
It's been called an "Elevator speech" and also a "Bar stool test." Doesn't matter what you call it. What matters most is your choice of words and the impact it creates.
You've got 26 letters in the alphabet and a lot of choices. Remember you won't have to chase business, once you learn how to attract it.
Think about this for a few days and play with the words you're using. If you want me to look at it - send me an e-mail with "Elevator speech" in the subject line.
I'll publish some of the best ones I get in a future newsletter.
"So what exactly do you do?"
Words of Wisdom
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
Leonardo Da Vinci
Action is eloquence.
The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.
Bruce Lee
Rants, Raves, and Other Loose Ends
If you're a red wine drinker, you might want to try "Ménage a Trois." It's a red table wine from California. Don't let the name throw you - it's really good and not very expensive.
On a one page ad the wine company had in a food magazine they showed three reviews.
One said "A medium body and soft texture join notes of black currants and blueberries, as well as hints of cedar."
Another reviewer said, "This fleshy red exhibits fresh, ripe red currant aromas that lead to a rich supple core of dried fruit flavors and spicy - oak nuances."
And still another reviewer said, "The supple texture is reminiscent of a tender first kiss. The plush texture marries gracefully with dark chocolate covered ripe red berries."
I enjoy red wine - though I can say I've never experienced black currants, red currants, and chocolate covered ripe red berries. And I must confess I have never detected hints of cedar or oak nuances as I swish, swirl, sip, and swallow my first glass.
Start selling more . . .
Jim Meisenheimer
Publisher - Start Selling More Newsletter
19 years . . .
505 corporate customers . . .
83.3% repeat business . . .
(800) 266-1268
PS - If you're new to the selling game, this special report will help you shorten your learning curve so you can start selling more. "The 10 Biggest Mistakes New Sales Reps Make And How To Avoid Making Them."
You can get more information here:
or cut and paste this link into your browser: