Tuesday, September 25, 2007


How Salespeople Can Develop An Attitude Of Gratitude

The two most powerful words salespeople can say to prospects and customers are - thank you.

People are starving for recognition. But if you don't get recognition you're not likely to give it. Big mistake!

A simple thank you goes a long way.

Are you trying to create wealth for you and your family? If you are, you should realize and appreciate that wealth comes wrapped in gratitude. You can learn more about this in The Science Of Getting Rich For Salespeople And Entrepreneurs.

Gratitude is the gift that keeps on giving.

While this is true, it's also true that most people are too busy and overwhelmed with work to express their gratitude - especially to customers.

Try to cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you; and to give thanks continuously.

And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.

Well that makes sense!

Here's a simple truth. The more grateful you are when good things happen to you, the more good things will happen to you. An attitude of gratitude brings you closer to the source of the blessings you have received.

Forgive a little sidebar here - "Whenever you say thank you to God, he always gets the message."

Take for example this selling situation:

You close a big sale. Your customer is very happy and pleased with the product / service you provided.

You ask for and get three referrals from your customer.

How do you say thank you?

When do you say thank you?

How often do you say thank you?

When you receive a gift, here are some "Thank you" guidelines from Colin Cowie, an event planner.

You get 10 points for sending a written thank you note within 48 hours.

You get 9 points for a telephone call.

You get 8 points for sending an e-mail.

You get 7 points for sending a FAX.

Colin also says "It's never too late to say thank you."

So, your customer gives you three referrals and you send a hand-written note. Is that it?

Well of course not - especially if you want to get even more referrals from your customer.

Keep your customer informed with the progress you're having or not having with each referral.

When a referral becomes a customer, it becomes another opportunity to thank the original customer again. Your additional gratitude might just trigger even more referrals.

Showing your appreciation is always appreciated - so don't be stingy with it - do it often.

You can make everyday a day of Thanksgiving - simply by showing your gratitude!

Sales Management Tip

Here's a question for all sales managers to ponder.

Have you ever attended a formal 2-day class on professional sales management?

Here's another question to think about.

Do you think it's conceivable that you could spend 2-days in my Advanced Sales Management Program and not sharpen your existing sales management skills and add some new ones too?

Reserve your seat in my Advanced Sales Management Program January 2008.

Time Saver Tip

Hey - if you're using www.mapquest.com for directions, I encourage you to try www.maps.google.com. I think it's a superior alternative.

Sales Tip

Are you ready for the 4th-quarter? Are you getting ready for the 4th-quarter? What are you waiting for?

Here's a no-brainer 4th-quarter idea for you.

Make a list of all the things you want to accomplish during the 4th-quarter.

Make a list of all the people (Customers and prospects) you want to call during the 4th-quarter.

The next step is to prioritize both lists.

The next step is to plug in a "To do" date for every numbered priority on your lists.

The next step is to put these dates on your electronic calendar.

Do it this way and you'll get more things done. Not doing it this way . . . well that will probably lead to big time procrastination.

Your choice.

This CD will help you make your 4th-quarter numbers, "How To Achieve Spectacular Results In The 4th Quarter."

Words of Wisdom

Attitudes are caught, not taught.
Elwood Chapman

Customer service in America stinks.
Tom Peters

Creativity is the natural extension of our enthusiasm.
Earl Nightingale

Rants, Raves, and Other Loose Ends

From Chris Dimitris . . .

Thank you for inspiring me to take my selling skills to the next level with your terrific CD, The Art Of Closing The Sale. Now, I listen more and ask better questions that help me find out my customer's wants and needs.

One day I went five for five! Being a used car dealer, you can imagine the hurdles I must overcome in order to make the sale. Your CD shows exactly what closing techniques to use in many situations.

I once had a great fear of rejection, but you have given me the confidence to close every deal.

Sorry, Jim, but I will not recommend your CD to my competition! I hope you understand.

This CD will definitely improve your closing skills. Just ask Chris!
Get your copy here.

Start selling more . . .

Jim Meisenheimer
Publisher - Start Selling More Newsletter

19 years . . .

505 corporate customers . . .

83.3% repeat business . . .

(800) 266-1268

PS - here's your link to get your CD to help you have a spectacular 4th-quarter.

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