Thursday, March 30, 2006
A New Sales Resource For Entrepreneurs And Professional Salespeople
In sales you always want to maintain your edge. A good sales tip is to try multiple searches in different search engines, especially if the information you're looking for has anything to do with a big deal.
Formerly Ask Jeeves, this site is looks pretty good and in fact I'll be doing some advertising on it.
Jim Meisenheimer
PS - checkout my next No-Brainer Selling Skills Boot Camp
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Can you pass this selling quiz . . .
Can You Pass This 46 Question Professional Selling Quiz?
prepared by yours truly - Jim Meisenheimer
As a professional sales manager, sales representative, or entrepreneur you will certainly know the correct answers to many of these time management (Self-management) questions.
But! But what if you don't know all the answers. And what if the answers you don'tknow create obstacles for you that have a negative impact on your sales performanceand even more importantly - your income.
Some people know diddly-squat about time management. And most people are too busy to know what they don't know about the subject.
There are 86,400 seconds in every day - did you know that - invest a few of them to see how well you're doing in the Time Management Department.
Answers to these questions are in my latest book, "57 Ways To Take Control Of Your Time And Your Life."
You don't need the book if you know the answers . . . on the other hand:)
Here's the quiz
1. Do you know the best way to start each day? (Page 1)
2. What's the easiest way to assess how well you're managing your time? (Page 3)
3. Do you have a personal flight plan when you fly the friendly skies? (Page 5)
4. Are you reading magazines the smart way? (Page 6)
5. Is it really possible to control your time? (Page 8)
6. Do you know what percent 15 minutes is to a 24 hour day? (Page 11)
7. How do you rebound when you're feeling discombobulated? (Page 14)
8. Do you know how to save time by eliminating unnecessary trips to the post office? (Page 20)
9. What are the four best ways to handle paperwork? (Page 22)
10. Have you ever read the book titled, How To Read A Book? (Page 25)
11. What are the four biggest advantages to using electronic TO DO LISTS and Calendars? (Page 28)
12. Are you handling your snail mail efficiently? (Page 31)
13. When was the last time, waiting time made you feel good and boosted your ego? (Page 33)
14. What are the three best ways to use a white board in your office? (Page 35)
15. Are you using personal cue cards to keep focused throughout the selling day? (Page 38)
16. Do you have a system for dealing with the stuff you accumulate? (Page 39)
"57 Ways To Take Control Of Your Time And Your Life." Get your copy here:
17. Are you maximizing your face to face selling time with customers and prospects? (Page 43)
18. Do you really know the difference between being proactive and reactive? (Page 47)
19. What are the best 15 minutes of every selling day? (Page 49)
20. What's your plan for converting waiting time into productive time? (Page 51)
21. What's the one thing you should never say if you don't want to lose control of your calendar? (Page 56)
22. Do you know the 5 best reasons for not reading the morning newspaper in the morning? (Page 59)
23. What's the easiest way to keep track of your expenses? (Page 62)
24. What's the one thing you should never say in your recorded voice mail message? (Page 64)
25. Would you like to know how to type 150 words a minute? (Page 66)
26. Are you adding punch to your e-mail messages? (Page 72)
27. Do you really know how to say NO? (Page 74)
28. Which is better . . . delegate a task or do it yourself, especially if you can do it better and faster? (Page 77)
29. The key to finishing is what? (Page 80)
30. What are the four basic types of schmoozers? (Page 81)
31. What are the two keys to effective prioritizing? (Page 83)
32. What's the best way to prevent your customers from sneaking a peak at their watches? (Page 89)
33. Do you operate with a defined selling process in mind? (Page 90)
34. Do you know how to convert windshield time into a unique competitive advantage? (Page 93)
35. What is the most powerful word in sales? (Page 97)
36. Would you like to know the quickest way to increase your sales? (Page 99)
37. Are you using the single best way to say thank you to your customers? (Page 102)
38. Do you have a prepared segue between your questions and your presentation (Page 104)
39. Would you like to have more control over your time? (Page 108)
40. Do you have these 21 file folders that can catapult your sales to the next level? (Page 109)
41. When it comes to time, do you know what the most pathetic question a sales person can ask is? (Page 113)
42. Do you know the ultimate secret to maintain your sales focus everyday? (Page 115)
43. Do you rely on a pre-planned follow-up system? (Page 120)
44. Are you familiar with the sandwich system for scheduling appointments? (Page 127)
45.Do you have an effective and money making way to end every sales call? (Page 133)
46. Would you like to see the 37 best time management quotes? (Page 136)
You can learn the answers to these questions and learn even more about time management when you get your hands on my 5th and newest book.
You can get the answers to these questions and learn a whole more about the art of self management as soon as you read "57 Ways To Take Control Of Your Time And Your Life."
Let's go sell something . . .
Jim Meisenheimer
PS - My April 26-27 No-Brainer Selling Skills Boot Camp is filling up fast. I already have 29 confirmed registrations and will probably cap it at 40. So don't diddle-daddle if you want to reserve your seat.
Here's the link:
Friday, March 24, 2006
Have you heard about . . .
Have you heard about the latest research being done
on Diabetes? Well, it's big news if you're a diabetic
like me, or know someone who is.
Check out the March 24th issue of the Wall Street
Journal - page B1, in the marketplace section.
The article, "After Initial Rejection, Scientists Back
Work On Cure For Diabetes."
I'm not going to re-write the article for you - but it's
pretty exciting and looks promising.
I suggest you go to
and enter Dr. Denise Faustman's name. Every time
anything is written about her work, Google will send
you an e-mail with a link to the article.
Please pass this on to anyone you know who is a Diabetic.
Jim Meisenheimer
How important would it be if . . .
How important would it be if you could retire on your current annual income every month?
Well - if you're smart enough, young enough, and save enough you will benefit from the dynamic duo of "Savings" and "Compounding" - the best friends of every investor.
I guess it's not very important to sock away as much money now so you can have it better later. The problem is most people don't start thinking about retirement until they're staring at it in the mirror.
I was kinda disappointed in the response I got to my sales letter called, "How To Avoid Being Complacent About Your Retirement." It blows my mind that most of my readers saw the word "Retirement" and probably didn't even read the d___ newsletter.
Hey - all I can do is try to put out stuff that can help you and your families.
I can write it - but I can't force you to read it.
Movin on . . .
On the other hand I did get a lot of positive responses to my newsletter, "The Ritz-Carlton Touch."
John Geller sent this in . . .
"This is by far the most compelling "No-Brainer Selling Tips" you have written. After having read The Ritz-Carlton Touch, I immediately went to the Ritz-Carlton website, downloaded the 20 Basics, read through them and decided to use The Ritz-Carlton as our Customer Service role model. My call to action was to hit your website not only to peek at, but to purchase your "power packed bundle"!
I can’t wait until tomorrow when I meet with our sales staff at 9:00 to share with them how our team can grow our business! Thanks for another great inspiration."
Some people make "SOMEDAY" their favorite day of the week. Others, like John, make "TODAY" the best day of the week.
Movin on . . .
I just got off the phone, as a participant, in a TeleSeminar on the subject of marketing strategies.
Next on my agenda for today is to hit the books for an hour or so on a 400 page copywriting course I'm taking. You see, writing a sales letter, proposal, or even copy for a brochure is nothing more than salesmanship in print.
It ain't enough to be educated - you have to keep hitting the books to keep learning new ways to grow your business.
How important would it be if everything you wrote helped you to sell something?
Let's go sell something . . .
Jim Meisenheimer
PS - Would you enjoy rattling your competitor's cage on the way they're playing the pricing game with you? Wouldn't it thrill you to know you can, if you use my SYSTEM.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
How To Avoid Being Complacent About Your Retirement
How To Avoid Being Complacent About Your Retirement
))))Sidebar(((( Thanks to everyone who ordered my Ultimate No-Brainer Selling Skills Manual Vol. II. I'm taking it to the printer today and it will be shipped to you next week. You'll be happy to know I added a special 33 page bonus to the manual titled, "No-Brainer Ways To Beat Your Competition At The Pricing Game." This is a $39.95 value.
Do you have what it takes to do what it takes to allow you to live comfortably during your retirement years? You can hardly pick up any business magazine without seeing an article discussing the plight of the Baby Boomer generation. It's estimated that there are 76 million Baby Boomers who were born between 1946 and 1964.
This year the oldest of the Baby Boomer Brigade turns 60. According to what's being written over 90% of these early Baby Boomers don't have sufficient funds for an adequate retirement. Holy Messaroo!
How come you might be wondering? Here's a simple truth. You have to save some money. Like 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, or more of your gross income every year if you want compounding to work its magic for you.
Last week I was giving a seminar to a group that specializes in retirement planning services for small and medium-sized businesses. Naturally, they understand an awful lot about the mechanics of saving for retirement. We were kicking around some ideas that they could use with their customers and I'd like to share some of these with you.
To get started you'll need two sheets of paper. On one sheet of paper list the dollar value of everything you own. Take it easy on placing high values on personal items. This is more about financial assets including your home, stocks, mutual funds, bonds, and even boxes of $100 bills hidden under your bed. Once your list is finished, total it up.
On another sheet of paper list everything you owe. This list includes your mortgage, all balances on credit cards, and all other debts including personal loans to anyone. Once your list is finished, total it up.
Now it's time for a third sheet of paper. Write the number that equals what you own. Then subtract what you owe from this number. What you are left with is your net worth.
This next step is important and probably will be enlightening for some of you. When you retire your sources of income will include Social Security, company pensions - which by the way are disappearing at an alarming rate, IRAs, 401K's, and other funds included in your net worth.
Now I'm not a financial planner but I'd read what they write. Most financial planners estimate you can pull out 5% of your net worth annually, to fund your retirement, and expect the principle to last throughout your retirement years. Let me explain what most people don't get - plain and simple.
Describe your dream for retirement. It helps if you put it on paper. How much will the ticket for your dream cost each year? When you're 72 years old will you still have to work part-time to pay for the ticket to your dream retirement?
Take a look at these numbers:
Net Worth$ 5% annual withdrawal Monthly income
$100,000 $5,000 $416
$500,000 $25,000 $2,083
$1,000,000 $50,000 $4,166
$1,500,000 $75,000 $6,250
$2,500,000 $125,000 $10,416
$4,000,000 $200,000 $16,666
The best way to use this little chart is to work it backwards.
Ask yourself how much income you need monthly to pay for the ticket to your retirement dream.
Then go to the first column to see how much (Own - owe) net worth you'll need to pay for it.
The best time to start thinking and planning for your dream retirement is now.
I know someone who has a net worth of $500,000. He thinks he's flush with cash. Come retirement his income will be at the poverty level - which is not a pleasant thought.
Your dream for your retirement is not an entitlement which is the bad news.
The good news is, it's never too late to start saving for your dream.
When you combine exuberant savings with moderate compounding the results are staggering.
What you save today will determine how you'll live in retirement.
Two options - one choice. Dream or nightmare!
Let's go sell something . . .
Jim Meisenheimer
PS - one way to save more is to earn more. My new Ultimate No-Brainer Selling Skills Manual Vol. II - won't cost you a penny because the payback for you is immediate. You'd have to be brain-dead not to be able to take these invaluable sales tips and convert them to new business.
PPS - Inner Circle Update: FYI - This month's CD will be an interview with Bob Burg, the author of Endless Referrals. He's a master at creating more sales in less time and I'm sure you'll get some great ideas you can share with your salespeople:
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Brilliant Negotiating
Brilliant Negotiating
Just got back from San Jose Cabo Mexico. Spent two days
there with my
Mastermind group. We told stories and swapped moneymaking ideas for
our businesses. Naturally, I came home energized and raring to go.
My desk is loaded with stuff, so this will be a short letter.
I want to share a powerful negotiating tip that I pieced
together from two different sources. It's a gem! At least I think so.
And you should save it - cause if you do, it'll save you
a bundle over your lifetime, especially with big purchases.
The two sources for this versatile negotiating tip are George
Ross, from the Apprentice Show Boardroom and Bill Lee, who is a good friend,
author, and a master salesman.
Here's the tip - everybody negotiates. Some people enjoy
negotiating while others detest it.
The next time you find yourself negotiating with a seller,
consider this strategy, if you're determined to get a better price.
You say, "You gotta do better."
Wait for a response.
Then say, "You're getting real close."
Wait for a response.
Then say, "You're almost there."
These power phrases can pull extra concessions from the
seller - which means more money in your pocket.
It's a powerful tip and I hope it helps you save a bundle.
My Ultimate No-Brainer Selling Skills Manual Vol.II is almost
I decided at the last minute to include two chapters on negotiating.
Let's go sell something . . .
Jim Meisenheimer
PS - Just a reminder, for those of you who ordered my "Ultimate No-Brainer
Selling Skills Manual Volume II," your order was a pre-publication special
offer which includes savings of $50 off the suggested list price.
I'm putting the finishing touches on this manual and it
should be ready to ship within two weeks.
You can still reserve your copy here:
PPS - Remember Frank Bettger, the guy who said when you finish your
sales presentation, ask this question. "How do you like it?" It works
like magic!
Frank also said, "If you want to be a star in the selling
game, you've got to have your fundamentals - the ABC's of your job - so firmly in your mind, that they are part of you. There are still seven copies of the Frank Bettger Special available.
Go here right now to see the Bonuses which are included: