Saturday, March 25, 2006


Can you pass this selling quiz . . .

Can You Pass This 46 Question Professional Selling Quiz?

prepared by yours truly - Jim Meisenheimer

As a professional sales manager, sales representative, or entrepreneur you will certainly know the correct answers to many of these time management (Self-management) questions.

But! But what if you don't know all the answers. And what if the answers you don'tknow create obstacles for you that have a negative impact on your sales performanceand even more importantly - your income.

Some people know diddly-squat about time management. And most people are too busy to know what they don't know about the subject.

There are 86,400 seconds in every day - did you know that - invest a few of them to see how well you're doing in the Time Management Department.

Answers to these questions are in my latest book, "57 Ways To Take Control Of Your Time And Your Life."

You don't need the book if you know the answers . . . on the other hand:)

Here's the quiz

1. Do you know the best way to start each day? (Page 1)

2. What's the easiest way to assess how well you're managing your time? (Page 3)

3. Do you have a personal flight plan when you fly the friendly skies? (Page 5)

4. Are you reading magazines the smart way? (Page 6)

5. Is it really possible to control your time? (Page 8)

6. Do you know what percent 15 minutes is to a 24 hour day? (Page 11)

7. How do you rebound when you're feeling discombobulated? (Page 14)

8. Do you know how to save time by eliminating unnecessary trips to the post office? (Page 20)

9. What are the four best ways to handle paperwork? (Page 22)

10. Have you ever read the book titled, How To Read A Book? (Page 25)

11. What are the four biggest advantages to using electronic TO DO LISTS and Calendars? (Page 28)

12. Are you handling your snail mail efficiently? (Page 31)

13. When was the last time, waiting time made you feel good and boosted your ego? (Page 33)

14. What are the three best ways to use a white board in your office? (Page 35)

15. Are you using personal cue cards to keep focused throughout the selling day? (Page 38)

16. Do you have a system for dealing with the stuff you accumulate? (Page 39)

"57 Ways To Take Control Of Your Time And Your Life." Get your copy here:

17. Are you maximizing your face to face selling time with customers and prospects? (Page 43)

18. Do you really know the difference between being proactive and reactive? (Page 47)

19. What are the best 15 minutes of every selling day? (Page 49)

20. What's your plan for converting waiting time into productive time? (Page 51)

21. What's the one thing you should never say if you don't want to lose control of your calendar? (Page 56)

22. Do you know the 5 best reasons for not reading the morning newspaper in the morning? (Page 59)

23. What's the easiest way to keep track of your expenses? (Page 62)

24. What's the one thing you should never say in your recorded voice mail message? (Page 64)

25. Would you like to know how to type 150 words a minute? (Page 66)

26. Are you adding punch to your e-mail messages? (Page 72)

27. Do you really know how to say NO? (Page 74)

28. Which is better . . . delegate a task or do it yourself, especially if you can do it better and faster? (Page 77)

29. The key to finishing is what? (Page 80)

30. What are the four basic types of schmoozers? (Page 81)

31. What are the two keys to effective prioritizing? (Page 83)

32. What's the best way to prevent your customers from sneaking a peak at their watches? (Page 89)

33. Do you operate with a defined selling process in mind? (Page 90)

34. Do you know how to convert windshield time into a unique competitive advantage? (Page 93)

35. What is the most powerful word in sales? (Page 97)

36. Would you like to know the quickest way to increase your sales? (Page 99)

37. Are you using the single best way to say thank you to your customers? (Page 102)

38. Do you have a prepared segue between your questions and your presentation (Page 104)

39. Would you like to have more control over your time? (Page 108)

40. Do you have these 21 file folders that can catapult your sales to the next level? (Page 109)

41. When it comes to time, do you know what the most pathetic question a sales person can ask is? (Page 113)

42. Do you know the ultimate secret to maintain your sales focus everyday? (Page 115)

43. Do you rely on a pre-planned follow-up system? (Page 120)

44. Are you familiar with the sandwich system for scheduling appointments? (Page 127)

45.Do you have an effective and money making way to end every sales call? (Page 133)

46. Would you like to see the 37 best time management quotes? (Page 136)

You can learn the answers to these questions and learn even more about time management when you get your hands on my 5th and newest book.

You can get the answers to these questions and learn a whole more about the art of self management as soon as you read "57 Ways To Take Control Of Your Time And Your Life."

Let's go sell something . . .

Jim Meisenheimer

PS - My April 26-27 No-Brainer Selling Skills Boot Camp is filling up fast. I already have 29 confirmed registrations and will probably cap it at 40. So don't diddle-daddle if you want to reserve your seat.
Here's the link:

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