Friday, March 24, 2006
How important would it be if . . .
How important would it be if you could retire on your current annual income every month?
Well - if you're smart enough, young enough, and save enough you will benefit from the dynamic duo of "Savings" and "Compounding" - the best friends of every investor.
I guess it's not very important to sock away as much money now so you can have it better later. The problem is most people don't start thinking about retirement until they're staring at it in the mirror.
I was kinda disappointed in the response I got to my sales letter called, "How To Avoid Being Complacent About Your Retirement." It blows my mind that most of my readers saw the word "Retirement" and probably didn't even read the d___ newsletter.
Hey - all I can do is try to put out stuff that can help you and your families.
I can write it - but I can't force you to read it.
Movin on . . .
On the other hand I did get a lot of positive responses to my newsletter, "The Ritz-Carlton Touch."
John Geller sent this in . . .
"This is by far the most compelling "No-Brainer Selling Tips" you have written. After having read The Ritz-Carlton Touch, I immediately went to the Ritz-Carlton website, downloaded the 20 Basics, read through them and decided to use The Ritz-Carlton as our Customer Service role model. My call to action was to hit your website not only to peek at, but to purchase your "power packed bundle"!
I can’t wait until tomorrow when I meet with our sales staff at 9:00 to share with them how our team can grow our business! Thanks for another great inspiration."
Some people make "SOMEDAY" their favorite day of the week. Others, like John, make "TODAY" the best day of the week.
Movin on . . .
I just got off the phone, as a participant, in a TeleSeminar on the subject of marketing strategies.
Next on my agenda for today is to hit the books for an hour or so on a 400 page copywriting course I'm taking. You see, writing a sales letter, proposal, or even copy for a brochure is nothing more than salesmanship in print.
It ain't enough to be educated - you have to keep hitting the books to keep learning new ways to grow your business.
How important would it be if everything you wrote helped you to sell something?
Let's go sell something . . .
Jim Meisenheimer
PS - Would you enjoy rattling your competitor's cage on the way they're playing the pricing game with you? Wouldn't it thrill you to know you can, if you use my SYSTEM.