Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Brilliant Negotiating

Brilliant Negotiating

Just got back from San Jose Cabo Mexico. Spent two days
there with my

Mastermind group. We told stories and swapped moneymaking ideas for

our businesses. Naturally, I came home energized and raring to go.

My desk is loaded with stuff, so this will be a short letter.

I want to share a powerful negotiating tip that I pieced
together from two different sources. It's a gem! At least I think so.

And you should save it - cause if you do, it'll save you
a bundle over your lifetime, especially with big purchases.

The two sources for this versatile negotiating tip are George
Ross, from the Apprentice Show Boardroom and Bill Lee, who is a good friend,
author, and a master salesman.

Here's the tip - everybody negotiates. Some people enjoy
negotiating while others detest it.

The next time you find yourself negotiating with a seller,
consider this strategy, if you're determined to get a better price.

You say, "You gotta do better."

Wait for a response.

Then say, "You're getting real close."

Wait for a response.

Then say, "You're almost there."

These power phrases can pull extra concessions from the
seller - which means more money in your pocket.

It's a powerful tip and I hope it helps you save a bundle.

My Ultimate No-Brainer Selling Skills Manual Vol.II is almost

I decided at the last minute to include two chapters on negotiating.

See details here:

Let's go sell something . . .

Jim Meisenheimer

PS - Just a reminder, for those of you who ordered my "Ultimate No-Brainer
Selling Skills Manual Volume II
," your order was a pre-publication special
offer which includes savings of $50 off the suggested list price.

I'm putting the finishing touches on this manual and it
should be ready to ship within two weeks.

You can still reserve your copy here:

PPS - Remember Frank Bettger, the guy who said when you finish your
sales presentation, ask this question. "How do you like it?" It works
like magic!

Frank also said, "If you want to be a star in the selling
game, you've got to have your fundamentals - the ABC's of your job - so firmly in your mind, that they are part of you. There are still seven copies of the Frank Bettger Special available.

Go here right now to see the Bonuses which are included:

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