Friday, December 28, 2007
Entrepreneurs - Start Selling More
Entrepreneurs Corner - Priority Information
If you're an entrepreneur and you're either selling
online or starting to think about it - sooner or later you'll
need a shopping cart. And you'll need a shopping
cart that does it all for you without any hassles.
I've been using my shopping cart now for 6 years and they
have never let me down.
Here's a link where you can check it out. If you're not in
the market and know someone who is - please forward this link
to him.
These guys are good!
Affordable and Powerful. Click Here to try the World's Smartest Shopping Cart system.
If you rely on the telephone to make appointments
and follow-up with your sales prospects and customers, you need
to visit my good friend Art Sobczak's website.
He'll show you "How You Will Get More Sales, Appointments
and Commitments By Phone, In Less Time, and Without
Morale-Killing Rejection."
Art is simply brilliant and you need to put him on your team:
Here's A Spam Filter That Works!
I don't know about you, but I get a ton of e-mails
every day. Lately I've been averaging 1,000 a day.
So of course I need a Spam Filter and have been using Spam Arrest
for several years and they have been a terrific resource for
me and can be for you too.
You can go here to check them out:
Need a new website?
One of my newest suppliers
is someone I've had on my To Do List for years.
Well, two months ago I signed up with them and started building
a new and functional website.
In the last 8 weeks I've built a 39 page website that works.
They have manuals and video tutorials that walk you through
the process step by step.
Most people don't have a clue about how to build a website
that works. Having cute graphics isn't enough.
My new website is a work in progress and I won't declare it's
finished until I have about 100 pages. You can see my new website
Remember - it's a work in progress.
I just got an e-mail from the company I'm working with and
they're offering a 2-1 special offer. Please remember - this
isn't just about hosting a website - they simplify the entire
process for you.
Please go here to get all the facts:
Best wishes for continued success during 2008.
Jim Meisenheimer
Check out my Start Selling More website
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Sales Management - Last Call
You can still register your salespeople for my May 7-8 Sales Training Boot Camp now and save $400 off the registration fee.
Learn more about my Early Bird Special here: Only 7 still available:
Use this link to download a FAX registration form:
or cut and paste this into your browser:
Your salespeople will take away proven sales tips and techniques.
Jim Meisenheimer
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
15 Sales Tips To Start Selling Smarter In 2008
Here are 15 sales tips you can use to sell smarter during 2008. With the right sales motivation, you can become as successful as you want to be!
However, you must come to grips with this fact. If you aren't outrageously successful at this moment, thinking about it won't make it happen.
The end of the year is a busy time of the year for most of us, I know it is for me. I'm looking at where I've been this year, where I am at this moment, and where I want to be at the end of 2008.
Here is a short list of 15 sales tips you can use to make 2008 your best sales year ever:
1. Analyze what worked for you during 2007.
2. Likewise - analyze what didn't work for you during 2007.
3. Establish personal and professional goals in writing for 2008 - goal-setting is critical for sales success.
4. Put these goals on a white board in your office - the bigger the white board the better. If you can't see your goals you're less to stay focused on them throughout the new year.
5. Create written action plans, and the emphasis is written, for all goals with specific completion dates - these dates should be added to your electronic calendar.
6. Call your biggest and best customers and thank them, again, for their business.
7. Get the biggest trash can liner you can find and toss away everything that isn't absolutely essential to your success. Go through your office, your car, and your briefcase. Clutter has no place in an organized office. It just gets in the way, even blocks, your momentum.
8. Ask yourself, "What is holding you back?" It's a serious question which deserves some serious thought. It's stupid to do the same stupid things over and over!
9. Ask your sales manager what his priorities are for 2008. Don't assume you know what they are. Listen carefully to his response.
10. You should also ask your best customers the same question. Ask them what their challenges are for the new year. Ask them how they're planning to grow their business in the new year. Ask them how they're planning to measure success with their suppliers. These questions and others found in my book titled, "The 12 Best Questions To Ask Customers" will give you a significant advantage over your competitors.
11. Allocate 30 minutes a day to reading about your profession - okay listening to CDs is acceptable. This requires discipline. You will become an expert and a giant in your industry if you do this. If you don't, you'll just be in step with the mediocrity brigade. This sales tips is easy to say and hard to do. Do it and you'll be rewarded with more sales and of course added wisdom.
12. Get involved with a mastermind group which means starting one if you have to. My group, Masters Speakers International, of course we had to give it a sexy name, has been meeting four times a year for 10 years. My time with this group of talented people has made a huge difference in my life and in my business.
13. I can't tell you how many e-mails I receive saying, "as soon as I start making more money, I'm going to start buying some of your products." Unfortunately, good intentions won't make you outrageously successful. Investing in yourself is a requirement, not something that depends on your income.
Your personal business Library is a good predictor of your future success. You can't put a price on a good idea. And it takes a steady stream of good ideas to become outrageously successful.
14. Here's another sales tip - don't try to do everything yourself. You'd be absolutely amazed at what you can outsource for a very reasonable price. The next time you have a small project you wish you could give to somebody else, go to and see what they can do for you. You just might be surprised!
15. Finally, it's impossible to be good at everything. If there is something that you are not good at and you need to be good at it, for Pete's sake hire a sales coach. A good sales coach won't cost you anything. Yup, a good coach doesn't cost, he pays. A good coach can help convert your sales weaknesses into sales strengths.
If you like what you read in my Newsletters, you'll love what I can do for you as your sales coach. You can get more information here.
Look - you can use these 15 sales tips to start selling more in 2008! You deserve it!
It sad but true, not everybody wants to be outrageously successful.
Some people don't want to be accountable for their results - they prefer a pity party. Some people prefer mediocrity over superiority. Why would anyone ever think like that?
Some people postpone living to sometime in the future, when in fact the only time we are guaranteed is today.
We live in a great country, we really do. Sure things aren't always hunky-dory. But you sure do have to admit that America has unlimited opportunities for those who have desire, focus, ** discipline **, commitment, passion, and a great deal of enthusiasm for life and for business.
Van VanBebber says, in The Wall Street Journal, "We should all save and study more, and spend and weigh less." That's pretty good advice as we head into the New Year.
His advice, however, requires a great deal of self-discipline. Are you up for it?
Becoming outrageously successful also requires a great deal of self-discipline.
Do you have what it takes to do what it takes to become outrageously successful?
Here's your choice - you have it or you've had it!
Sales Management Savings Tip
Please forward this to your sales manager:
You can register your salespeople for my May 7-8 Sales Training Boot Camp now and save $400 off the registration fee.
Learn more about my Early Bird Special here: Only 12 available:
Use this link to download a FAX registration form:
or cut and paste this into your browser:
Entrepreneurs Corner - Priority Information
If you're an entrepreneur and you're either selling online or starting to think about it - sooner or later you'll need a shopping cart. And you'll need a shopping cart that does it all for you without any hassles.
I've been using my shopping cart now for 6 years and they have never let me down.
Here's a link where you can check it out. If you're not in the market and know someone who is - please forward this link to him. guys are good!
Affordable and Powerful. Click Here to try the World's Smartest Shopping Cart system.
If you rely on the telephone to make appointments and follow-up with your sales prospects and customers, you need to visit my good friend Art Sobczak's website.
He'll show you "How You Will Get More Sales, Appointments and Commitments By Phone, In Less Time, and Without Morale-Killing Rejection."
Art is simply brilliant and you need to put him on your team:
You can go here to check them out:
I don't know about you, but I get a ton of e-mails every day. Lately I've been averaging 1,000 a day. So of course I need a Spam Filter and have been using Spam Arrest for several years and they have been a terrific resource for me and could be for you too.
Go here for details:
Need a new website? One of my newest suppliers is someone I've had on my To Do List for years. Well, two months ago I signed up with them and started building a new and functional website.
In the last 8 weeks I've built a 36 page website that works. They have manuals and video tutorials that walk you through the process step by step.
Most people don't have a clue about how to build a website that works. Having cute graphics isn't enough.
My new website is a work in progress and I won't declare it's finished until I have about 100 pages. You can see my new website at: - it's a work in progress.
I just got an e-mail from the company I'm working with and they're offering a 2-1 special offer. Please remember - this isn't just about hosting a website - they simplify the entire process for you.
Please go here to get all the facts:
Words of Wisdom . . . Cervantes
A wise man does not trust all his eggs to one basket.
A proverb is a short sentence based on long experience.
A stout heart breaks bad luck.
Rants, Raves, and Other Loose Ends
I downloaded your “12 Dazzling Strategies” report prior to an important meeting the following morning.
Before the sales call I read through your report focusing specifically on closing the sale.
The content was inspirational and as with all great things very simple. It got me very focused.
I asked your question “Do you have any questions or are you ready to take the next step” and got the desired result.
No issues and closed the sale there and then.
Thanks Jim, I’ll be using it again and again.
Alan Hemson
Start selling more . . .
Jim Meisenheimer
Publisher - Start Selling More Newsletter
19.5 years . . .
505 corporate customers . . .
83.3% repeat business . . .