Monday, October 08, 2007


If You're Too Busy To Read, Now You Can . . .

Attention Salespeople And Entrepreneurs
Who AreToo Busy To Read Sales Articles

If You Can Listen To Sales Articles While
You're Driving From Account To Account,
Then You Can Take Away Insightful
Sales Tips You Can Use To Grow
Your Business

Now There's No Need To Give up Your Valuable
Family Time To Keep Up With The Best Sales Tips.

Okay - I've been listening to you - my customers.

And here's what many of you are saying . . .

"Your newsletters are terrific."

"Your newsletters are terrific, but I don't have time to read them every week."

"Your newsletters are terrific - I wish they were ona CD so I could listen to them as I drive from one account to another."

Bad news - I'm unable to record every newsletter at this point.

Good news - I can record the best ones from time to time.

I have written 336 sales articles which have been released in my newsletters. I've selected 10 of my most popular articles from my article archives and recorded them for you.

So - I'm happy to announce the release of Vol. I of Jim Meisenheimer's Best Sales Articles on CD.

Every article has at least one sales tip you can use to grow your business. Many articles have multiple sales tips.

When you listen to these sales articles (CDs) it's like having a sales coach (That would be me) riding with you when you're making sales calls - giving you sales tips and even more sales tips.

If you like articles that are educational, informational, inspirational, and even motivational I believe you'll enjoy these.

Now you can listen to these sales articles:

>>> The perennial secret to success - the power of goal setting

>>> Time for a strategic tune-up - the key to raising the bar

>>> What's wrong with this picture - eliminating anxiety

>>> First, fast, and foremost - how to be the best in your business

>>> Real secrets to success - top 10 secrets to success

>>> Do whatever it takes - includes specific examples

>>> You gotta be different - differentiation pays more

>>> Forget quotes - prepare proposals that scream value

Note: here's what Ralph Taylor, President L&B Worldwide, said about my proposal ideas. "Our manufacturer rep agency has used Jim's creative proposal ideas since 1995. It's
one of the reasons we have increased our sales by $30 Million during this time

>>> Upper-hand selling strategies - in (3) critical areas

>>> How to achieve wealth the easy way - your bottom line

As the competition continues to add pressure in your sales territory, you'll get new sales tips from these recorded sales articles to help you outfox all your competitors.

That's probably all the information you need to make a decision.

I hope you'll take the next step and place your order right now.

Get your copy here -

or by cutting and pasting this link into your browser.

Start selling more . . .

Jim Meisenheimer

19.5 years . . .

505 corporate clients . .

83.3% repeat business . .

PS - Now you can learn more sales techniques and sales tips as you drive from one account to another. Learn more and get ready to earn more.

Here's your link again.

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