Thursday, August 09, 2007
The New Definition Of "Rich"
I believe being "Rich" is getting paid to do the work you love doing.
I also believe that's a no-brainer!
If you listen to your inner voice you already know what you love doing.
If you love selling - you just absolutely love the action, you should
be in sales.
If you don't love selling, you're not likely to ever become really good
at it. And reading this newsletter won't make much of a difference
I write these newsletters for the people who love to sell. And if you
love to sell you probably love to win. You also probably enjoy the
satisfaction of solving customer problems and winning their trust and
all of their business.
And if you enjoy this, you probably relish the idea of being rich some
day. It's never too late to start thinking about becoming rich.
Rich isn't limited to money. In fact you can be rich in mind, body,
spirit, and okay let's toss in money.
Growing up as a kid I thought anyone who had $1 million dollars was
rich. I didn't have $1 million dollars and wasn't sure I ever would.
You have to be careful what you wish for.
If you want $1 million dollars wishing isn't enough. You must establish
goals and action plans - but that's the subject for another letter.
According to the Wall Street Journal, "The Securities and Exchange
Commission has redefined what it means to be rich."
And the article pointed out, "Being rich today, it turns out, requires
more than twice as much money as it did in the 1980s."
Once again, quoting the Wall Street Journal article, "The SEC says
investors need to have assets of least $2.5 million dollars to invest,
excluding equity in any homes or businesses, to be eligible to sign on
a hedge funds dotted line."
While this may be hard to believe, a staggering 8% of all US households
in 2004 were worth at least $1 million dollars. "Now, according to the
SEC, the new definition of rich would apply to only about 1% of the
What does this mean if you are a mere mortal salesperson? It means you
should be keeping an eye on your Net Worth, and doing everything possible
to increase it. The higher your net worth - the more options you have
throughout your life.
It's no longer enough to dream about having assets, excluding your home,
of $1 million dollars, you should be upping the ante to $2.5 million dollars.
You should be learning to earn. Let that statement sink in for a minute.
Here's a sales tip you can take to the bank on your way to becoming rich.
Telephone sales tip - use a 5 X 7 mirror positioned next to your telephone
to make sure you're smiling throughout the entire sales call. It makes
a huge difference. You'll always make more money When you're smiling!
Back to the subject . . .
The first step in becoming rich - using the new definition, is to want to
become rich.
Strange as it may be, not everyone in sales thinks about becoming rich.
If you don't plan to become rich you may end up being poor. Inflation
can chew-up and demoralize people with big ideas and limited net worth.
Consider that your kids may live with you longer than you lived with your
Add to those expenses, the cost of your parents or the cost of your
spouse's parents moving in with you is filled with choices that can drain
your assets until the tank is bone dry.
There are three things you can do today:
1. Establish a net worth goal that includes seven numbers excluding the
decimal point.
2. Hire an outstanding financial planner. Get referrals!
3. Read "The Science Of Getting Rich: and practice what it preaches!
Here's the link.
Printed version - $39.95
eBook version - $24.95
Here are some excerpts from "The Science Of Getting Rich."
"The person who does not desire to live more abundantly is abnormal."
"Every person naturally wants to become all that he is capable of
becoming; this desire to realize innate possibilities is inherent in
human nature."
"The idea that dumb people and smart people get rich and talented people
and blockheads do to, should make the whole idea of getting rich very
appealing to you."
"You are a part of a very natural and prosperous phenomenon. There are
no gates on the road to riches. There are however entitlement mentalities
and negative attitudes which will always holds people back."
Look you're already a millionaire! Depending on your current age, you
can expect to earn a lot more than a million dollars during your lifetime.
There's never been a better time in the history of the United States
to become rich.
You will become what you think about. If you're not thinking about
becoming rich, change your thoughts.
"It all appears to change when we change," says Henri-Frederic Amiel.
"The Science Of Getting Rich" is just that a science. It's not theory.
It's a Science.
There's only one person preventing you from becoming rich!