Friday, June 01, 2007
What Your Customers Really Want
Don't fall in love with your products, fall in love with your customers. Focus on their problems, their current situation, the pain they suffer through in their jobs, and what keeps them awake late at night.
You can become an invaluable asset to all of your customers just by listening carefully to what they say. Spend less time talking about your products and more time asking questions related to your customers' challenges.
Here are 10 invaluable sales tips you can use to increase your sales and boost your income:
1. Punctuality - if you can't be on time always call with your reason for being late. It's not only a sign of good manners it also signals you are a first class person.
2. Appearance - people do judge books by their covers. Make no mistake about it - your appearance counts. Your first impression is often a lasting impression.
3. Seal talk - nothing screams "Amateur hour" louder than sales babble filled with "Ahs" and "Ums." In sales, you have to look good and you have to sound good.
4. Value - your customers will give you money in exchange for the value of your products or services. From the book, "The Science Of Getting Rich," give every man more in use value than you take from him in cash value; then you are adding to the life of the world with every business transaction.
5. Expectations - your expectations have a definite influence over your outcomes (Sales). Expect every sales call to be better than your last sales call. When you prepare and have written sales call objectives - your results will improve dramatically.
6. Attitude to develop a "Yes I can" attitude. Remember, nothing is impossible until you agree that it is. Your attitude is everything!
7. Commodities - products don't turn themselves into commodities, salespeople do. Your attitude should be, there are no commodities. There are, however, opportunities to differentiate all products. Put your imagination to work and you'll see amazing results. Remove these words from your dictionary - commodities, can't, impossible, discount, and hope.
8. Dependable - customers want salespeople to say what they mean and mean what they say. And be slow to commit and quick to deliver. You can't be a little honest! Nor can you be a little dependable.
9. Excitement - don't expect your customers to get excited about your products and services, if you are not. People don't buy because they are excited about your products, they buy because the salesperson is genuinely enthusiastic and excited about his products.
10. Problem-solver - in exchange for solving customer problems, Bill reward you with their business. When you quantify the cost of their problems you'll get even more business. When a customer sees you as an unpaid member of his staff, you are probably and extraordinary problem solver!
Be a bundle of energy!
Become excited about your products and services!
Become the "Go to person" when your customers need help and when they are ready to place an order.
Be positive - regardless of what's going on in your life and the rest of the world.
Be focused on getting results - because this is the true measure of your effort.
Be the best you can be every day of the week!