Tuesday, May 22, 2007


After College I Stopped Reading Books . . . And Then

Actually, after college I started reading books. I wasn't much of
a reader during school. I was too busy working 40 hours week to
pay for my education. So my reading was limited to what was
necessary. If I knew then, what I know now - I would have been a
much better student.

As it turns out I'm a better student today than I was in college.
Okay, that's worth 1/2 of a Kudo.

But a lot of people turn their learning spigot off as soon as they
get their college diploma. It's like I'm finished with school.
That's a choice you should never consider.

In last week's Wall Street Journal, there was an article profiling,
the soon to be retiring CEO of United Technologies Corporation
(UTC) - George David.

His results speak for themselves. He took over the reins of UTC
in 1994 when UTC had a market cap of $6 Billion. Today the market
cap is $66 Billion - which is nothing short of phenomenal.

Here's this week's sales tip for you. Make education a continuous
process and you will always grow your business and of course your

But don't take my word for it. Listen to what David George says
about it.

UTC has spent more than $600 Million for employee education benefits.
In fact 13,000 are currently enrolled in programs.

The WSJ asked him was it worth it and here's what he said:

"Categorically. Flatly. No argument. I think that's been the
best thing we ever did for employee benefits. Is it worth it?
I guess I go back to my basic principle, which is education is
definitely the most powerful force in life. Educated people are
more thoughtful. They're more widely read. They're more alert
to change. They're more confident."

Education is the most powerful force in life.

Don't make education a secondary priority. Invest in yourself.

And always remember - self-improvement doesn't cost it pays!

The most powerful force in life - don't let it slip through your

Use these Learning Tools to BOOST your income

)))) CDs ((((

New CD just released!

"How To Establish GOALS That Stick - A System For Getting Exactly
What You Want."

Don't dream about living - live your life to the hilt!

You have one life and it was meant to be lived!

Order your copy today:


"How To Establish Goals That Stick" - this is your ticket to a
better life!

"Are Your Complete To Compete" - everything you need to outfox
your competition.

"75 Little Things You Can Do To Grow Your Business And Boost
Your Income" - little things mean everything in sales.

)))) Manuals ((((

"Are Your Complete To Compete" - everything you need to outfox
your competition. Printed version.

"No-Brainer Ways To Beat Your Competition At The Pricing Game" - stop giving
discounts and start learning how to deal with the price objection.

)))) eBooks ((((

"The Science Of Getting Rich" - no fluff here, the key word is SCIENCE.

"The 12 Best Questions To Ask Customers" asking questions is the
easiest way to win more business immediately!

"57 Ways To Take Control Of Your Time And Your Life" if you're under
stress and losing control, this book is written for you.

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