Sunday, February 25, 2007


The Two Most Popular Words In The English Language

Do you know what the two most popular words in the English language are? You guessed right if you said, "New" and "Free."

Anyway I just wanted to let you know I've written a new book titled, "12 Dazzling Strategies To Help You Increase Sales And Make More Money."

And guess what? It's New and it's Free. Won't cost you a penny. Please keep reading.

It's a pretty good book, if I do say so myself.

It's about 30 pages and here are 5 of the 12 chapter titles:

=> Set Your Compass Before You Set Your Sail
=> Forget Time Management Concentrate On Self-Management
=> Exploring And Exploding The Brand Called You
=> How Not To Discount Your Way Into Sales Oblivion
=> The Golden Question And How To Achieve Continuous Improvement

The book is ideal for both "Newbies" and "Veterans" who have seen it all. It's written by a salesman for salespeople. It's is easy to read and even easier to apply!

There are two things I want you to remember - actually three things about this book.

1. This book is brand spanking NEW and you are hearing about it first.

2. It's FREE. Yup it's Free. I've been blessed with a very successful business and this is a way for me to give back.

3. And it's in that spirit you have my permission and encouragement to send this link to as many salespeople you know - no limit.

Don't waste any time - use this link to get your copy right now.

The book is easy to navigate and very easy to use and read right from your computer screen. If you prefer, you can print the entire book on 3-hole copy paper and put it in a 3-ring binder.

Once you download the eBook and get into it, please note that on the top of every page you'll find an easy to use e-mail-to-a-friend link.

I hope you enjoy the information and if it meets your expectations I also hope you'll share this link with everyone on your sales team.

Make sure your salespeople see this before your competitors do!

Let's go sell something . . .

When your salespeople read this book they will sell more . . .

Jim Meisenheimer
(800) 266-1268

PS - Here's the link to get your Free copy of my new book titled, "12 Dazzling Strategies To Help You Increase Sales And Make More Money."

PPS - Don't forget to send this to you entire sales team.

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