Monday, August 14, 2006


Life-long learning . . . are you in or out

In the August 14th addition of the Wall Street Journal there was an article
titled, "Executives Who Make Their Leisure Time Inspiring and Useful." I
realize I'm talking to the choir, in some cases, regarding this subject.
It's been my experience however, that not every body gets this. And, in my
opinion, if you want to be outrageously successful you have to get this.

Let me begin with the end of the article first. Carl Bass, CEO of Autodesk,
San Rafael, California software company thinks "Life-long learning is only
possible if you're open to new experiences." The article points out he has
little patience for executives who say they have no time for anything but
business. "Problem-solving is the primary job of CEOs," he says, "and you
aren't going to be effective at this if you're still at your desk at 10 p.m.,
and you started at six in the morning."

I think he's onto something here and it also applies to entrepreneurs and
professional salespeople because you're in the problem-solving business too.

Another example in the article is Josef Ackermann, CEO of Deutsche Bank.
Last month he spent a week of his vacation studying Spanish six hours every
day. He already speaks four languages fluently - and wants to keep learning.
It's also a good idea because he's running a global business.

Steve Odland, CEO of Office Depot, has taken his family to the Chatauqua
Institution located in New York State for 11 straight years. While there
he attended lectures, art performances, played golf, learned how to sail
and had the opportunity to interact with other like-minded life-long learners.

I believe the easiest way to avoid getting into a rut is to commit to life-long
learning. And today the options for you are limitless including books, e-books,
CDs, MP3 files, seminars on demand, iTraining on iPods, online courses and
naturally everything that's available on the Internet.

As you know I'm planning to launch a new website. Last week I ordered three
books from to help me do this. The books I ordered included,
"The Ultimate Guide to Electronic Marketing for Small Business" by Tom Antion,
"The E Code" by Joe Vitale, and "Success Secrets Of the Online Marketing
Superstars" by Mitch Meyerson.

If you have never ordered a book from please give it a try - you'll
be amazed and very impressed. If you're concerned about the security of ordering
online visit and open an account with them. The best way to
describe PayPal is they're like an online version of the old Western Union - an
easy way to send and receive money securely.

When it comes to life long learning . . . you're either in or out! FYI - If
you're money motivated, the "Ins" make more money than the "Outs."

Make everyday a MASTERPIECE . . .

PS - My next Knockout Selling Skills Boot Camp is scheduled for
September 27-28 in Tampa, Florida. To optimize the experience for
all participants I'm limiting the class size to 30. The focus of
this boot camp will be on the nuts and bolts of how to sell more
products/services in less time. Use this link to get more information

PPS - Take a look at these resources if your commitment to
life-long learning includes Knockout Selling Ideas!

How you can start winning more sales immediately by asking better questions:
Go here for more:

The best little known secrets on self/time management.
Go here for much more:

Exactly how to quickly and easily beat your competition at the
pricing game. Go here for even more:

Learn the truth about how to give brilliant group presentations.
Go here for still more:

The very first step you must take to close more sales
Go here for a lot more:

The surprising facts about how the pros do little things to win
more business. Go here for some more:

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