Tuesday, January 04, 2005
Are Your Goals Set For The New Year . . .
Are you ready to succeed in 2005?
Don't be too quick to answer unless you have established your goals.
You're ready if:
1. You have established written goals for your personal life.
2. You have established written goals for your professional life.
3. You have specific goals for personal growth - in writing.
4. You have specific goals for improving your physical well-being.
5. You have specific goals for vacations and fun stuff - in writing.
. . . and you're ready if you have an outrageoulsy positive attitude going into 2005.
Remember, there's only one person holding you back from achieving your goals.
You can become the person you're capable of becoming when you commit to doing it.
Make every day a MASTERPIECE!
Jim Meisenheimer
(800) 266-1268
P.S. - My next No-Brainer Selloing Skills Boot Camp for new salespeople is scheduled for April 6-7, 2005 in Sunny Tampa, Florida.
Go here for details: http://meisenheimer.com/sales_training/sales_bootcamps.shtml