Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Do You Belong To A Mastermind Group
I do and my group has been together for eight years. We meet four times a year and schedule the dates at least one year in advance. These meetings are so positive, helpful, energizing, informational,educational, and inspirational that we have all committed not to book any business on these dates.
My group met last Monday in Dallas. Actually we arrived on Sunday afternoon and got together for several hours to catch up on personal stuff. That was followed by a very informal dinner. Now you have to imagine what a dinner with 10 professional speakers looks and sounds like. The bottom line is - it's always fun. Imagine it's like a great escape combined with a safety net. Every meeting becomes a unique experience for us.
Our Monday meeting is scheduled from 7:30 AM to 2:30 PM. Every meeting has a different facilitator and different objectives.
Here's a brief list of my takeaways from Monday's meeting:
1. Five new resource websites.
2. Three new boot camp marketing ideas.
3. Two reminders to do things I used to do but have neglected lately.
4. A new money-making idea for my website sales.
5. Feedback from the group on a new product idea I had. FYI - the feedback was excellent.
So why am I sharing this stuff with you?
Because - it's hard to succeed alone.
You can easily form your own small mastermind group. Your group can meet monthly. You can meet for breakfast, lunch or dinner. You can kick around your problems and your ideas. You can encourage other members of your group to take it to the next level as they encourage you to do the same.
=> Don't be too busy to do this.
=> Don't be too busy to seek the counsel of people possibly wiser than you.
=> Don't be too busy to exchange thoughts, words and new ideas with others.
Finally, don't be too busy to yuck it up once a while with your mastermind group.
Every three months I get to hang out with nine other professionals a lot smarter than me. As a result I'm forced to keep growing. It's a great concept and I encourage you to do the same thing.
Jim Meisenheimer
Creator No-Brainer Selling Skills