Saturday, October 23, 2004
A word on success
Irving Berlin had this to say about success. "The toughest thing about success is that you've got to keep on being a success."
I'd rather be a success than a failure. It's a journey not a destination. It's why I look forward to getting up every morning.
Make everyday a Masterpiece . . .
Jim Meisenheimer

Monday, October 18, 2004
Would You Like To Achieve Your SELLING Destiny
Is your mind set or are you willing to change your mindset?
It's not a trick question.
Success in selling isn't about hard work it's about getting results.
To reach the pinnacle of success you'll have to take a giant step forward and commit to doing what most salespeople refuse to commit to. Just four things can change your life forever:
Your future, and mine for that matter depends primarity on four things:
1. The books you read.
2. The CD's/tapes you listen to.
3. The new people you meet.
4. The mastermind group you belong to.
A short list that will help you achieve a long list of accomplishments.
Now go out and make everyday a Masterpiece . . .
Jim Meisenheimer
Saturday, October 16, 2004
Is Your Sales Job A Rat Race?
Well, it doesn't have to be.
It's been said, "You can't buy happiness." How come so many entrepreneurs and professional salespeople are working so hard to buy things?"
In a recent Associated Press Poll, so it's gotta be true, 56% of people surveyed, who were making over $75,000 a year were "very satisfied" with thier lives.
There is always somebody who makes more money than you!
There is always somebody with a bigger home!
Here's my advice - establish the right goals. The ones that will mean the most to you and your family. Also, if you need some help in the personal organization department - you may want to checkout my CD's "57 Ways To Take Control Of Your Time And Your Life."
Go to: for details.
Jim Meisenheimer
Creator No-Brainer Selling Skills
Monday, October 11, 2004
Muting Obnoxious Cell Phone Users (Salespeople)
You don't need brains to use a cell phone.
It's becoming increasingly more difficult to find a place where someone isn't screaming into their cell phones. My favorite is the guy, I'm assuming it was a guy, who was munching on chips and talking on the cell phone while he was behind closed doors in the men's room.
The October 8th Chicago Tribune had a column offering up some unique ways to deal with these blithering idiots:
1. Put your hand up to your ear and pretend your talking to somone - be as loud as the other person.
2. Pop bubble wrap in the direction of the abuser.
3. Repeat out loud what the other person is saying.
4. Take out your PDA and take notes. Tell the offender you missed something she said and ask if she could repeat it.
There were a few more - but you get the picture.
If you must use a cell phone talk quietly. Speak as low as you can until the other party says he can't hear you.
Cell phones can be a wonderful business tool and a big pain-in-the-butt.
If you're in sales listen up - please.
Your call!
Jim Meisenheimer
Still seats available in my Boot Camp
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
In Sales You Must Ask For Referrals
If you hate making cold calls you'd better know how to ask for referrals.
Asking for referrals is easy and very profitable as long as you know how to do it. If you're having any difficulty try this.
"Would you be kind enough to give me the names of two other people like you, who have an interest in opur products and services?"
As you're asking this question hand your customer a referral form that has room for three referrals.
It's a lot easier than making cold calls.
Jim Meisenheimer
P.S. - There are still 15 seats left in my October 27-28 Boot Camp. Visit for details.

Saturday, October 02, 2004
No-Brainer Selling Skills Boot Camp
I’m not a psychic, but here’s a prediction I’d wager my last dollar on! Millions of dollars will be sold by the NEW salespeople attending my October 27-28 No-Brainer Selling Skills Boot Camp.
But even more money will be left on the table . . . squandered, vaporized, needlessly lost . . . by those sales executives who know they should take action right now – and don’t, for whatever reason.
My No-Brainer Selling Skills Boot Camps don’t happen every day. This one can be a breakthrough opportunity for all your NEW salespeople. But first they have to show up to get this brain food.
Speed counts! There are only 19 seats left. There are exactly 3,377 sales executives who are getting this very same piece of mail today. The faster you act the sooner your NEW sales reps will succeed.
Don’t let this No-Brainer opportunity slip through your hands. Your new salespeople will be transformed into MVP’s on your sales team. I guarantee you’ll get a 1000% return on your investment.
Go to: to complete the registration form for your new salespeople – and then watch them perform for you! It really is a No-Brainer!
Jim Meisenheimer
(800) 266-1268