Saturday, September 04, 2004


How To Sell During Turbulent Times

Selling during turbulent times isn't easy but it certainly doesn't have to be difficult. Here are a few things you should KNOW that will help you to sell more in less time especially during challenging times.

Know your market like you know the back of your hand. Know your competition as they know themselves. Focus on developing a keen understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. Know your products complete capabilities but only share with your customers what they're most intrested in.

Never show up and throw up.

Needs are essential to making an intelligent sale. Start with your customer never with your products. You are in a much better psoition to help your customer when you totally understand his current situation.

Outstanding. Remember standing out is in and blending in is out. It's impossible to project yourself as an outstanding alternative to your competition if you don't stand out. Your list of what makes you standout is probalby different from your customer's list. Find out what's on his list.

Wisdom. Seek the widom of others. You can certainly gain wisdom from reading books, listening to CD's and yes even hiring a personal coach. A good personal coach can help you take your performance to the next level and if that happens will more than pay for itself many times over.

You'd better KNOW what's going on if you want to sell more - especially during turbulent times.

Jim Meisenheimer

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