Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Did You Know
There are lots of resources available to make your selling day
easier. Below you'll find some valuable links.
I just bought an IRIS Executive Pen. It's a hand-held scanner
that's great for scanning text, barcodes etc. You scan it and
it types it for you. Visit www.irisusa.com
FREE eCourse "The Art Of Closing The Sale. That's right,
it's FREE. This eCourse has seven lessons delivered via email.
You can't beat the price and you won't beat the Value.
Use this link to get started:
Did you know . . . 9 out of 10 Internet-connected PC's are infected
by spyware? I just purchased Spy Sweeper. Check it out.
Jim Meisenheimer
Creator No-Brainer Seeling Skills
(800) 266-1268