Tuesday, July 20, 2004


15 Ways To Get Motivated

First, recognize that motivation is an inside job. The word motivate means to impel, inspire, hope, stimulate, incite, propel, spur, goad, move, induce, prompt, instigate, fire, provoke, actuate, cause, egg on, drive, excite, and to trigger. Don’t wait for someone to motivate you, here are 17 ways you can motivate yourself.

1. Set daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and lifetime goals. A goal is a goal if it’s writing. Goals get you going in the direction that’s right for you.

2. Listen to a motivational tape. Record into a tape recorder your favorite quotes, anecdotes and personal success stories. Play back your tape frequently. Nothing is more motivating than the sound of your own voice. Try it!

3. Get motivated to make better telephone calls by buying Art Sobczak’s new book, How To Sell More In Less Time With No Rejection. To order call Art at 402-895-9399 or visit his web site http://www.businessbyphone.com

4. To overachieve every quota you are given take this advice. First write yourself a check dated for the last day of the year and make it payable to yourself and write how much you want to earn on the amount line. Make three laminated copies and and put one in your briefcase, auto console, and home office. Second, always aim higher than the quota you are given. If you adjust your aim, the results will follow. Good sales techniques will help too. So will good sales training.

5. Buy an inspirational book of quotations and keep it in your car. Read three quotes daily. Remember - inspirational words usually inspire us.

6. Invest 15 minutes daily to read books and articles about the selling profession. This is gourmet food for your brain. Don’t skip a day.

7. Get a mentor, preferably one outside of your company. The truly successful people never go it alone.

8. To jack-up your sales performance, prepare your own laminated cue cards. Create cue cards for making appointments, your 12 best questions, for handling the price objection, and for asking for the order. Each cue card should be prepared word-for-word. Your performance will sky-rocket.

9. Buy a composition notebook for your car. Record your successes, failures, and daily observations about your selling environment.

10. Read the "The Ancient Scrolls," an inspiring book by Tim Connor. To order call 800-222-9070 or e-mail him at Tim@TimConnor.com

Better yet check out his newest book, "The Male Gift Giving Guide." It's amazing.
Visit his website: 

Jim Meisenheimer
Creator No-Brainer Sales Training
His sales techniques and selling skills focus on practical ideas

that get immediate results. For more information
e-mail jim@meisenheimer.com or visit http://www.meisenheimer.com 

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