Sunday, October 30, 2005
Clean Sweep
Clean Sweep
Hey - how about those White Sox. Their well is dry for 88 years, all the way back to World War I, 1917 to be exact. Then - Kazaaaam, they sweep the series in four straight games.
There are a lot of reasons they won this year.
They have a great manager and in case you don't follow baseball, his name is Ozzie Guillen. When the game was over the 41 year old manager didn't go jumping up and down with his players, he said, "I have to respect the other team." A class act!
For the White Sox - the winning didn't come easy. They scratched and scraped for every win.
They had unbelievable pitching.
They had an incredible defense.
They had superior hitting.
They even had some good calls from the umpires.
They won 16 of the last 17 games.
Catcher A.J. Pierzynski said, "They were calling us chokers, now they can call us champions."
In 2005 the Chicago White Sox were complete to compete.
How about you. Do you have what it takes to do what it takes to knock the wind out of your competitor's sail? Are you really up to swimming with the competitive sharks in your territory?
Do you have a system for working new leads?
Do you have a system for making appointments?
Do you have a system for qualifying your prospects?
Do you have a system for quantifying your prospect's pain?
Do you have a system for presenting your products and solutions?
Do you have a system for dealing with the price objection?
Do you have a system for preparing sales proposals?
Do you have a follow-up system?
Do you have a system for securing the commitment?
Do you have a system for getting referrals?
If you don't have a system you may not be complete to compete for the rest of 2005 and throughout 2006.
You'll get a lot of ideas from my new "Are You Complete To Compete" CD. You want to get this one before your competition does. Point your cursor here:
"Are You Complete To Compete."is also available as a spiral bound Sales Manual. See this for more details.
Let's go sell something . . .
Jim Meisenheimer
P.S. - Only two days left before my Boot Camp-In-A-Box's price goes up $149.05. Right now I have 7 in stock. The price goes up November 1st.
See what you get here:
Published by Jim Meisenheimer
13506 Blythefield Terrace
Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202
(800) 266-1268
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Thursday, October 27, 2005
How To Play The Sales Game
October 27, 2005
For salespeople, sales executives, and entrepreneurs
How To Play The Sales Game
Think you already know it all? What if you don't know enough.
Yesterday I finished a grueling 10 days on the road. It was an exhausting yet terrific experience for me. I had the opportunity to teach my best stuff to two groups.
I also went to a 3 1/2 day Internet Marketing Boot Camp where I was the student and I learned some phenomenal sales techniques and marketing strategies. In the coming weeks I'll be sharing some of the best ideas with you.
I'm not much of a note-taker but I did manage to scribble some 62 pages of noteworthy stuff. Did I take away some good ideas - you bet I did. How much was the ticket to the Boot Camp? It wasn't much at all when you consider what I'll do with the stuff I learned. The investment was only $3000 plus another $765.32 in routine expenses.
Here's why I said it was only $3765.32. Actually, it was more than that because I also signed up for a one-year coaching program with the guy who did the Boot Camp. The investment for this was another $10,000.
So in one week I managed to invest $13,765.32 in my own self development. When I last had a corporate job - I always thought it was my company's duty to develop me. Well bucko - that's wrongo. It's my responsibility.
It might also be yours too.
Here's how I see it. How much is a good idea worth to you? Can one idea seal a very big deal? Of course it can. Can one good idea snag a big account where you can enjoy the lifetime value of that customer and you get to keep the money? Probably.
So here's what I'm thinking and shooting for. During 2006, based on similar past experiences, I expect, excuse me, I intend to generate a 30:1 return on my investment last week - which means an additional $412,959.60 in sales.
Annnnnnnnd in the coming months I'll be sharing some of the best ideas with you.
I took away a lot of ideas from the program last week. Now the real work begins. I now have to implement the ideas in order to get the 30:1 payback I'm looking for.
Investing in myself has never been a bad deal for me. In fact, I've always figured out a way to multiply my income with these new ideas.
While I'm thinking of it, today's October 27th. If you know any new sales reps, you know, someone with 18 months or less of street fighting under their belt, let them know that my Boot Camp-In-A-Box, which has been my product special of the month, is scheduled to go back up to list price on November 1st. That means the price is going up $149.05 on November 1st.
So there are four days left and I only have 17 sets in stock. You can see what you get here:
One of the smartest ways to play the sales game is not to limit your new ideas to the ones you think of. Your performance will sky-rocket when you start getting ideas from people already in the 5% Club.
Let's go sell something.
Jim Meisenheimer
P.S. - you guys bought a lot of my two-for-one eBooks featuring, "How To Become Complete To Compete." Since not every body is into eBooks, I recorded a CD version for you. Point your cursor here:
"How To Become Complete To Compete."is now also available as a spiral bound Sales Manual. See this for more details.
P.P.S. - if you're a sales manager, you should forget what I said about investing in yourself, especially when it comes to your NEWBIE salespeople. Sometimes the boss needs to do at first. It says a lot about you if you invest in your salespeople. It says even more if you don't. Take a look see here:
Published by Jim Meisenheimer13506 Blythefield TerraceLakewood Ranch, FL 34202
(800) 266-1268
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